From hometown car dealers to Verizon, Dell and SelectQuote, from a small but elegant, Oklahoma fine clothing store to Intel, Whirlpool and MetLife, Jonathan Lockwood has been finessing his way through commercial voiceovers, narrations and voice acting roles. With a confident, clear and credible approach, he’s ready to nail your next project.
General Commercial Demo
General Narration Demo
Corporate Video Demo
Promo Demo
My company has utilized Jonathan’s voice talents on multiple occasions. The quality of his work is top notch and from the time I provide the script I usually have digital files back from the recordings within a business day. I could not be happier with Jonathan’s work.
Dan Weeks — Internet Marketing Factors
Client | HP OMEN Gaming Laptop |
Producer | The Pia Agency |
Category | Corporate Video |
Industry | Technology |
Style | Cool, Dramatic, Brooding |
For me life is more than voice overs. It’s about adventure, authenticity and relaxing with a delicious cigar, a magnificent mezcal and stimulating conversation. That’s why I love San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. I can zip out of town to scale the world’s 10th largest monolith, eat the best fresh chicharrón gorditas on the planet and still be home in time to puff a Havana stogie and savor an artesanal mezcal with friends in Centro.
HP OMEN Gaming Laptop
The OMEN Laptop is a high performance gaming computer made by Hewlett-Packard.
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